CORAX Fume Fan

The Series CORAX small diameter fume handling fans have high resistance to corrosive fumes and gases while maintaining prolonged durability and all the inherent advantages of an axial flow fan.


The Series CORAX small diameter fume handling fans have high resistance to corrosive fumes and gases while maintaining prolonged durability and all the inherent advantages of an axial flow fan.

The casing is manufactured in rigid GRP construction. The impeller and hub are moulded
in glass reinforced polypropelene. All motor and hub fasteners are stainless steel and the
motor is protected by chemical treatment with a triple sealing coat of high quality black epoxy.

Manufactured in three diameters to match standard PVC conduit, these fans handle air volumes
from 0.5 to 1 ,50m3/sec at static pressures up to 350 Pa.

The protective materials used in manufacture are resistant to normal concentrations of most
reagents including sulphur dioxide. sodium hydroxide, ammonium sulphate, calcium chloride
and citric acid. An exhaustive list is not possible, but further details are available on request.